Fiona Wright - On Lying (in a blue dress, early version)

Fri 15 June 2007 // 18:00 / Cinema

A solo performance by Fiona Wright, plus exerpts from The Inbetween Spaces by Mother (Chermaine Cooke, Wendy Erickson, Laura Pedersen) and music by hohosantakiller

What's on her mind so far? War poetry and rock stars; philosophy, adrenalin and not playing the tambourine; the lungs of men and the weight of the microphone stand.
A one-woman performance with a desire to tell it like it is then let memory unravel; steal biographies, dance as if no one is watching and attempt unaccompanied singing. This thing is becoming something like she imagines writing a blog would be if she could only bear the thought of turning up in so many other people's lives at once. “Rapturously ” received at Chicago's OPENPORT festival earlier this year –
catch this rare preview now or wait for the European tour in 2008...

With video by Becky Edmunds.

Fiona Wright (b.1966 London) is currently based in Newcastle upon Tyne and is best known for her solo performances since the late 1980s, using choreography and writing. She also makes duet performances with Caroline Bowditch as 'girl jonah'.

Fiona Wright’s new one-woman performance On Lying narrates and constructs a self or a body or is it Fiona? through lies, fictions, and unmediated glances. We watch as she risks a temporary disappearance of identity, takes advantage of fragility, and sends herself ahead of herself.  Wright has created an oasis of meticulous uncertainty where we can reflect, embody, and act on unexpected turns of memory, loss, and recovery.

Lin Hixson, Director, Goat Island Company, Chicago