Come and have a sneaky peak at our new place during this year's late shows.
Fri 18 May 2018 // 18:00
/ Venue Space
Tickets: Free, but £1 membership.
Finally - after three years of holding our breath (its a miracle we survived, but we had some secret snorkels and underwater breathing apparatus), we have finally bobbed back up to the surface of Newcastle's city-sea. Come and check out our new craft - its a beauty. We can show you fore and aft, port and starboard and you can even come and sail with us as we avoid the sharks, icebergs, floating islands of plastic, and head for utopian islands as yet unvisited by humankind.
Star and Shadow is floating!
6pm onwards: Cafe open serving veggie food, cakes, tea and coffee. Plus the bar will be open for its first ever shift.
Music in the venue and films in the cinema - experimental community culture.
Short talks about S&S on the hour every hour.