
Sat 8 September 2007 // 18:00 / Cinema

Mayflies is a series of one day art events taking place across the North of England – in Sheffield, Manchester and in Newcastle.

Responding to the ephemeral, temporary nature of the events, Howard Matthew is creating a new work which takes an off-kilter look at a day in the life of the city. The Mayflies Screening Programme presents eleven artists' films, each articulating something fleeting and momentary. By turns funny, magical, dark and absurd, the films display a psychotic sense of abandon. Artists include Reynold Reynolds and Patrick Jolley (Sundance / NY Underground Film Festival award winners), John Bock, George Barber, Rose Butler and Deborah Bower. Mayflies is a Digital North commission funded by Arts Council England.
Free event, booking recommended.

11am - 5.30pm: Howard Matthew exhibition
6pm: Mayflies Screening Programme
8pm: Howard Matthew presentation.