The Actionettes

Sat 13 June 2009 // 19:30 / Cinema


London's premier dancing girls THE ACTIONETTES dancestep across the Watford gap to return to the Star and Shadow after their memorable performance at 'Lulu's Pension Party' last year for an actionette packed night.

plus ...

Live music from local heroes FRANKIE & THE HEARTSTRINGS, a 35mm film screening of BEAT GIRL, starring Gillian Hills, Adam Faith, Christopher Lee, Shirley Anne Field AND Oliver Reed; and plenty of spinning discs a go-go plus a pre-show dance class for those arriving with two left feet.
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The Actionettes are an all-girl 60s dance troupe based in London, who choreograph their own synchronised routines to songs by 60s girl groups, such as the Shangri-Las, Ronettes, Marvelettes and other 60s icons such as Nancy Sinatra and Dusty Springfield.

"We don't do it for cash or for fame - but for the love of dancing, dressing up, cheap glamour and each other. We're 'strictly amateur' - no-one has experience in dance, except for years on the dance floor every Saturday night." says Actionette Crepe Suzette.

Formed in January 2000, the Actionettes run their own club, Sophisticated Boom Boom and say they "want to create a 60s-kitsch brand of synchronised dancing, costume, attitude and the strong feminine celebration of all shapes and sizes"

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BEAT GIRL (aka Wild for Kicks) Dir: Edmond T. Gréville, 1960, GB

Probably the best British juvenile delinquent movie ever made, Beat Girl is so sleazy it's irresistible.

Starring opposite a young and delicious Oliver Reed, Gillian Hills plays a gorgeous but rebellious teenage girl who has beatnik friends, goes to wild parties, and performs stripteases for the local hoodlums.

A great slice of the sixties scene in England, this corker also stars Christopher Lee, who plays a sleazy nightclub owner who knows a good body when he sees one.

Opening credits:
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The sexiest thing to come out of Sunderland since Barry Venison, the Heartstrings combine fifties songmanship with seventies glitter-pop shouts, and look like a deviant svengali's dream of a sixties beat group.

Well dressed, as good looking as they come, Frankie & the boys will twang your heartstrings like a Primark bra strap!
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Bring your dancing shoes!

£5 members/£6 non-members