Darren Hayman & The Secondary Modern

Sun 2 May 2010 // 20:00 / Cinema

Perform songs and Essex and Hefner.

£8 Advance - http://www.wegottickets.com/event/72008 or Alt Vinyl
or £9 on the door

facebook event here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=108136085881966


'Played straight from the heart...this is a gorgeous album.' - Word

'A charming tale with melodies that will buzz around your head in the cold weeks to come.' - Narc Magazine
'Heartbreaking' - Q Magazine

'These 50 minutes of bittersweet prettiness are a delight...it utterly charms...nearly has me in tears.' - Plan B

'A high rise Robyn Hitchcock backed by Belle and Sebastian this is indie worthy of the name.' - Financial Times.

'This is by far the most accomplished solo album from Hayman and evidence that age is helping the songwriter explore rich, virgin territory. Long may it continue.' - Culture Bully / Fresh Deer Meat websites.

'...driving home this morning I had to pull over as tears started prickling at my eyelids.' - Everett True - The Guardian

'...deserves to be hailed as a minor classic - the guy is a jewel in England's musical crown and this is his best yet.' - National Student Magazine. 'One of his most creative and peculiarly tender albums yet.' - The Fly


Richard Dawson
Needs no introduction, quite simply Newcastles best singer songwriter.

My Attorney
And some pop from indie pop band My Attorney