Sacred Harp singing Workshop with Cath & Phil Tyler

Sun 23 May 2010 // 14:00 / Cinema

All those interested in singing (with and without experience) are
warmly invited to participate in this vibrant and lively social
singing style using four part harmony and a notation system to ease
sight reading. The Sacred Harp book was first compiled in 1844, and
has remained in print ever since, with each revision containing newly
composed pieces (there are over 500 songs in the current revision).
Notes in the book are not only represented conventionally but also
with four shapes to make up the scale: triangles, circles, squares and
diamonds are used to show the different intervals. These shapes, and
the syllables that go with them (fa, sol, la, mi), are used to help
sight read the music. Before the words are sung, the tune is sung
through using these syllables, so that even someone reading the music
for the first time can get a sense of it, whether using the music or
learning by ear. Most of the songs have religious texts, but the book
was compiled to be used for community singing and sung in a social,
non-performance context, as vibrantly and exuberantly as you might
sing down the pub.
Whether you are an experienced or improving music reader, or sing by
ear, or just want to give singing a try, these workshops are for you!