Gig: Keränen / Culver / Torquemada

Wed 9 May 2012 // 19:30 / Cinema

“The visceral energy of live performances and recordings by Tommi Keränen are famous within the global noise music scene. Keränen has performed on electronic instruments with composer Dror Feiler’s orchestra at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival. Together with the Norwegian artist Lasse Marhaug he has an experimental noise duo called 

Keränen’s album Bats in the Attic was released on Marhaug’s Pica label.” 
“Multi-disciplined UK avant experimentist with ever lengthening, very underground discography. Key figure in the Northern noise and sludge rock scenes. Has collaborated with Keith Fullerton Whitman and Anla Courtis, amongst others.” (TUSK)
TORQUEMADAThe unholy alliance of the artists otherwise known as WREST and XAZZAZ.Plus DJ CALLAN on the decks in between sets.STAR & SHADOW CINEMA8:00pm£6:00 on the door