Sat 8 December 2012 // 19:30
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About the Charity
PAPYRUS was founded in 1997 by a small group of parents, who had each lost a child to suicide, convinced that many young suicides are preventable.
From its beginnings, people have joined the charity which is now the UK-wide membership organisation dedicated to the prevention of young suicide.
PAPYRUS membership is open to all who share the belief that young suicide is often preventable.
what PAPYRUS does:
Reduce Stigma associated with suicide - through 'suicideTALK'
Increase Awareness of young suicide and how to help prevent it
Provide services (e.g. HOPELineUK; SMS and email support; Training such as ASIST; online information; professional advice)
Campaign as a UK charity to prevent young suicide
Listen and Learn - supporting/disseminating research/knowledge
Contribute to local, regional and national suicide prevention strategic action