Maxïmo Park - Special S&S Fundraiser

Wed 12 June 2013 // 20:00 / Cinema

We are very excited to announce that Maxïmo Park is coming to the Star and Shadow Cinema as part of the Festival of the North East. The band will perform a special, intimate gig in honour and aid of the Star and Shadow Cinema.

The Star and Shadow Cinema is a volunteer-run, community space that has, like so many cultural and community spaces in Newcastle, been hit by funding cuts this year. Maxïmo Park approached the Star and Shadow Cinema offering to be volunteers for the night and put on a gig – everyone will be a volunteer from bar staff to DJ, sound technician to musicians. All proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to the Star and Shadow Cinema.

Paul Smith, Maxïmo Park’s front man, had this to say:

I'm a frequent visitor to the Star & Shadow and wholeheartedly endorse its mission to engage in DIY cultural practices that lie away from the mainstream. Its radical approach to programming and its volunteer-run ethos is a good example of what can be done if people with common goals work together.

Maxïmo Park will be supported by Waskerley Way – a lo-fi musical endeavour in which an abstract re-imagining of electronic pop music is crafted from damaged samples, layered vocals, guitar and clarinet.

This fundraising event is part of the Festival of the North East: a month-long celebration of North East creativity and innovation throughout June, to herald the arrival of the Lindisfarne Gospels. With over two hundred projects spanning arts and science, heritage and history, industry and technology, provocation and debate, the Festival of the North East aims to open all our eyes, ears and minds to the region’s unique character.  For more information and for what's on across the region in June, take a look here:

Doors open at 8pm.

Entry for this gig is £10.  Tickets on sale 9am, Saturday 1st June via - put it in your diary!