Dir. League of Noble Peers, 2006
Tue 20 November 2007 // 20:00
/ Cinema
How will the film industry and business models need to change in a future where piracy is rife and unpreventable? This first film about file-sharing gives you some clues.
How will the film industry and business models need to change in a future where piracy is rife and unpreventable? Will royalties and ownership become a thing of the past once every customer has the tools for digital replication? Jamie King, one of the makers of Steal This Film, thinks so.
Steal This Film is a film series documenting the movement against intellectual property and was a talking point in the British Documentary Festival. Showing the Swedish piracy culture, this film includes a critical analysis of an alleged regulatory capture performed by the Hollywood film industry. Alleged aims included the application of pressure to Swedish police into conducting a search and seizure against Swedish law for the purpose of disrupting The Pirate Bay's BitTorrent tracker.
A fascinating insight into piracy.
More details at http://www.stealthisfilm.com/