TIBET FILM FESTIVAL 2009: Asiemut + Eclipsed

Dir. Anshul Uniyal/Tarini Mehta , 2007

Wed 1 April 2009 // 19:30 / Cinema




Olivier Higgins/Mélanie Carrier I Canada 2006 I 57 mins I English/French with English subtitles

Olivier Higgins and Mélanie Carrier undertook an epic journey, cycling a distance of 8,000 kilometres from the plains of Mongolia, through the deserts of Eastern Turkistan (Xinjiang), into the spectacular Himalayas in Tibet and Nepal and ending in Kolkata.

The title comes from the term ‘azimuth’, the name given to the direction we take from a compass. These are two western nomads, encountering a number of obstacles along the way on a path of discovery in which they question, do we not all have a common azimuth?

Eclipsed: The Tragedy of Tibet

Anshul Uniyal/Tarini Mehta I India 2007 I 24 mins

This documentary focuses on the environmental and political reasons why India should be concerned with the Tibet issue.Stunning visuals, archive footage and thought-provoking interviews with a range of academics explores the geo-political significance of Tibet’s ties with India and offers an insight into the inherent links between these two great cultures.