TIBET FILM FESTIVAL 2009: A Brief History of Life + Undercover in Tibet

Thu 9 April 2009 // 19:30 / Cinema

A Brief History of Life

Tenzin Jangchup I Canada 2007 I 6 mins

Young Tibetan filmmaker Tenzin Jangchup tells his story from growing up in exile in India to moving to Canada as a young adult. This film won the Grand Jury Prize - Best Documentary for the Radio Canada International Digital Diversity competition in 2007.

Undercover in Tibet

Jezza Neumann I UK 2008 I 60 mins I English/Tibetan with English subtitles

Risking imprisonment and deportation, young exiled Tibetan Tash Despa returns to the homeland he risked his life to escape 12 years ago with BAFTA award winning documentary maker Jezza Neumann. Secretly filming inside Tibet, they reveal the hidden realities of life in Tibet under Chinese occupation. The film was a finalist in the Impact Award category of The Rory Peck Awards 2008.