Dir. Lucia Puenza, Spanish (with English subtitles), 2007

Wed 21 July 2010 // 19:30 / Cinema

Alex (Inés Efron), a 15-year old intersex person from Buenos Aires lives secluded with her parents in a fishing village in Uruguay. At birth, her parents decided not to have her operated on, in order for her to choose her gender. Therefore she still has both her sexual organs. However, she takes corticoids and is raised as a girl.

Her parents have moved several times before settling down in Uruguay in order to live a quiet life and keep her from the mockery Alex previously experienced while living in Argentina. One day, however, Alex's mother, Suli (Valeria Bertuccelli), invites a couple and their 15-year old son, Alvaro (Martín Piroyansky) for the week-end. Alvaro and Alex start a friendly relationship and spend a lot of time together under the scrutiny of their parents...

TRAILER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3czlNiEuIM