Yojimbo (1961)

Dir. Akira Kurosawa, Japanese, Japan

Sun 12 May 2013 // 19:30 / Cinema

 Two criminal clans fight over a small village. Enter the 'Ronin' Yojimbo.  Cunning and resourceful he sets gang against gang for his own amusement and gain.  A script that is bleak brutal and cynical, cut through with a layer of black humour.  Another Kurosawa theme taken up and copied in the West, notably by Leone's 'Fistful of Dollars'.


On the night: £5 (full price) / £3.50 (concessions)

Advance tickets: £4.50 (full price) and £3 (concessions) on this link: http://www.wegottickets.com/event/217005