Oberhausen On Tour: Children Programme

Dir. Unknown, Unknown, Unknown

Wed 3 April 2013 // 16:00 / Cinema

Incredible animation films from the 1970s until today - newly restored, very special little things, not to be missed! Suitable for children from 6 years old.

The whole programme has NO DIALOGUE, so even if your children are not English they can enjoy the programme!

In the early 1970s, Czechoslovakian-born filmmaker  Vera Neubauer made six short animated films for the  children’s television series ”Das feuerrote Spielmobil”. Five episodes about best friends Pip and Bessie  have been rediscovered, restored and are now being shown for the first time on the big screen. The later  Woolly films feature the character Annie and her world, all crafted with knitting needles. A short film programme without dialogues, suitable for children from 6 years old.


PiP AND BESSiE (UK 1973/75, no dialogue, by Vera Neubauer, Anna Fodorova)

The Drawing 5'

The Glasses 8'30''

The Apple 2'

The Circus 4'

The Magician 4'30''

WOOLLy WOLF (UK 2001, 4‘30‘‘, colour, no dialogue, by Vera Neubauer)

WOOLLy TOWN – WOOLLy HEAD (UK 2005, 6‘, colour, no dialogue, by Vera Neubauer)

Tickets: £5 adults / £3.50 (conc)
Under 12: £1