Films from the New York Underground Film Festival

Sun 18 November 2007 // 19:30 / Cinema

The Life and Times of Robert Kennedy Starring Gary Cooper (Dir. Aaron Valdez, 8 mins, 2006); According To (Dir. Kevin Jerome Everson, 9 mins, 2007); Lunch Film (Curated by Mike Plant, 72 mins, 2007); La Trenchira Luminosa Del Presidente Gonzalo (Dir. Jim Finn, 60 mins, 2007).

The Life and Times of Robert Kennedy Starring Gary Cooper - Director Aaron Valdez, 8 mins, Video, 2006
“Overlaid newsreel footage of RK and images from a Hollywood classic Western blur the line between truth and fiction.” A Valdez

According To - Director Kevin Jerome Everson, 9 mins, Video, 2007
With a rich source found footage and shot film, ‘According to’ is a short film about tragic events in southern rural Black America” K Everson – European premiere

Lunch Film - Curated by Mike Plant, 72 mins, Video, 2007
“ By accident I started a series of Lunch Shorts. James Fotopoulos and I were eating lunch and the place only took cash, Fotopoulos didn’t have any. So I made him a deal: I’ll buy the lunch and he trade me a short film for the same cost. We made up the rules on a napkin and since then 25 lunch shorts have been commissioned. While each film has its own rules and ideas, the overall metaphor is a basic one: it is very easy to help a filmmaker - buy one lunch today.” M Plant.

La Trenchera Luminosa Del Presidente Gonzalo - Director Jim Finn, 60 mins, Video, 2007
This Jim Finn’s version of one day in a Shining Path women’s cell block in 1989 Peru. The ideology and eyes of revolutionary chairman Gonzalo presides over the prison as a large mural displayed on one of he exterior walls.