Ikarie Xb1 (1963) + Psi-Fu (2014)

Dir. Jindrich Polak, Czech, English subs, Czechoslovakia

Mon 21 April 2014 // 19:30 / Cinema

The year is 2163. Starship Ikaria XB 1 embarks on a long journey across the Universe, to search for life on the planets of Alpha Centauri

…[[a second chance to catch this classic for those disappointed by the false start this film had before x-mass]]…

The Soviets simply expect different things from their sci-fi. Deeply cerebral explorations of what it all means are the stock in trade and this picture ponders it with real style, refreshingly though without the usual heavy handed party dogma dominating proceedings. Truly excellent production value is achieved here to match the psychologically complex Stanislav Lem source material "the Magellanic Cloud", it is easy to believe the legend that Stanley Kubrick was inspired by this production to pursue his quest for the mythical "good sci-fi movie"…

plus exclusive short film premiere…a mysterious interstellar traveler brings disaster to a far flung outpost, a princess sends word to the rabble alliance, it may be too late to save her world but is it yet too late to save the galaxy?

WEEKENDER/EXpac presents a "film in a weekend" production of "PSI-FU" + after party with the cast and crew