Radical Friends

Dir. Chihiro Guezebroek, English, Netherlands, Bolivia, 2014

Fri 13 February 2015 // 19:30 / Cinema

This weekend Pledge your Love to Mother Earth. An inspiring female climate justice activist, on a mission to make friends with whom one can change the world, asks us to connect with our roots. Skype with director/producer/protagonist after film. Donations to Newcastle Community Green Festival. Will you be my radical friend? 

This uplifting film calls for people to reconnect with their roots beyond the nation states – to connect with the bigger family of life and adjust policy and law accordingly to safeguard the environment at large.  Inspiring female environmental activist, Chihiro Guezebroek, asks us to pledge our love to Mother Earth. 

Listen to Interview with Chihiro. http://radicalfriends.com/?page_id=24http://

Play Trailer at  http://radicalfriends.com/



Make some green hearts this weekend. Here's how. http://fortheloveof.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/ShowTheLove.pdf

See interview with Chihiro on. http://www.socialist.ca/node/2534
Here is an excerpt from that interview.
Will people watching your film leave hopeful? What do you see as the next step for the climate justice movement internationally? 
Yes! I didn't want to make a sad-bastard movie. I feel responsible to offer media discourse that is both confronting and disarming and most of all battery-charging, so people go out there and take the next step to bring out the hero in yourself—rather than waiting on the couch for some politician or some clicktivism to deliver breakthroughs. The movie is a mission to make radical friends around the globe.