Picture for event

Palais Time

Sun 21 October 2018 // 17:00 / Venue Space

Tickets: NA

Palais Time is your sacred palace. The unbroken netherworld of your subconscious desires.

Palais Time is refreshment for the beaten-down soldier, shoulders held high to the ceiling by wiry straps, though his limbs unfold downwards, as Palais Time reignites her muscles like a fire rising up through the floorboards.

Palais Time is your mother’s womb, your resting place. Hook up your navel and revel in its fruitful juices.

Palais Time is forgiveness, for the dreams you’d rather remained hidden. Palais Time is pride in exaggeration.

Palais Time is not a performance
Performance is not a performance. BanupBanupBanupBanupBanupBanupBanup You are a performance.

Palais time is an interdisciplinary collective of musicians, dancers and artists, seeking liberation in the performance space and in the world at large. Join us on the 21st October at Star and Shadow Cinema as we explore space, sound and inner desire through spontaneous expression. In all Palais Time concerts, the audience are invited to watch or participate as they choose - there are no obligations, and there is no judgement. Feel free to bring instruments along, objects, masks, face paint, an open mind and an open soul as we let loose all that which binds us.