Sat 17 October 2009 // 10:00
/ Cinema
There is a place in the Grainger market where you can hire paperbacks to read, and get your deposit back when you return them. I'll bring some of these along to give us some cheap ideas.
This is a totally open, all-welcome event, no experts or expertise needed. It will be profitless, and hopefully fun.
We'll eat some breakfast, chat about our plan, maybe bring a typewriter or even, in this decadent age, one or two laptops. Me, i'll bring a pen.
Then you choose a spot - roof, store-room, dark-room, cinema whatever - and you create some piece of creative mischief that combines the themes of (western/horror/melodrama/erotic fantasy/delete as necessary) with a few recognisable fixtures and fittings of that location.
After an hour or two, we'll meet up again and type up our fragments, mini-short-stories and extracts, stick them together and print them as a free fanzine.
Simple as that.