The Life of Tupsa Grüber with after party by The Swung Eight club night

Fri 23 April 2010 // 20:00 / Cinema

An evening from the past:

A play - The life of Tupsa Gruber - set amongst the political undercurrents of 1930s Germany followed by a celebration of liberation in the form of a vintage-themed club night called The Swung Eight.

The Life of Tupsa Grüber - 8:00-8.45pm

It is April 1933 in the heart of Germany. The Grüber family enjoy their liberties in ignorance to the political attitudes that are surrounding them. As Tupsa attempts to carry on her life in indifference, this effort becomes its own battle, and her family soon find themselves questioning the cost of apathy.

Acoustic Music 9.00-9.45pm

Thirties style naughty blues, vaudeville and tin-pan alley from Lady K and her Kooky Kitchen.



The Swung Eight - 10pm onwards


1930s theme after party by THE SWUNG EIGHT

Vintage glamour, killer cocktails and sounds that swing - dress up and dance!

£5/£4 conc