Permaculture Workshop

Wed 23 June 2010 // 09:30 / Cinema

Are you interested or working with... Cooperatives * Permaculture * Transition Towns?

Do you want to make a difference at home and in your community? Then attend these exciting new events hosted across the Cooperative's northern region to find out about: * working with others in your community using Transition Town initiatives * using permaculture to develop a eco-friendly homes and neighbourhoods * how cooperatives make a vital contribution to a healthy economy * Plan Bee!

And how you can support our buzzing friends, with workshops from local beekeepers The events aim to bring together a wide range of people working towards sustainability including co-op members, transition town groups and permaculture practitioners.

Each event will include interactive workshops, presentations from local groups, stalls, a delicious local lunch and an optional afternoon networking session where you can find out about a brand new £1000 grant for 'Transition Projects' to help new projects that want to make their neighbourhood a healthier more sustainable place to live. You don't need any previous experience or eco-knowledge to attend, just a desire to make a difference.

An interesting, rewarding and fun day is guaranteed! The dates in each region are as follows:

* 19th May –Penrith Methodist Church Hall, Penrith, North Cumbria

* 9th June –Northumberland Hall, Alnwick, Northumberland

* 23rd June – Star and Shadow Cinema, Newcastle, Tyne & Wear

* 7th July - Alington House, Durham

* 21st July –Coliseum, Whitby, North Yorkshire

* Details for events from September onwards on the website. Places are free but limited to 50 for each event. Contact us to book a place.

Pre-booking essential through the Permaculture Association:
tel: 0113 2307461