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Resounding Silents rewinds...

Alice In Wonderland (1915) featuring NoizeChoir & Phallictite (2014)

vintage silent movie, contemporary live score

Sun 3 May 2020 // 19:00 / External

Tickets: Free

Join us as we trawl the Resounding Silents archive of classic silent movies, tonight we revisit Alice In Wonderland (1916) featuring NoizeChoir & Phallictite (2014)...plus Alice in shorts

Alice is one of the most iconic literary heroines of all time. Her psychotropic adventures have been adapted for film many times since the very birth of the moving image. Tonight we see some milestones in that journey from the very earliest short, through naive animations from a well known megalomaniac, to the first multiple reel feature length version scored live by NoizeChoir & Phallictite and on into the psychedelic era.

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