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Film for the Maypole

The Taking of Pelham One Two Three

Socially Distanced Screening/Pay As You Can ticketing

Dir. Joseph Sargent, 1974, US, 1 hour 44 minutes, Certificate 15

Sun 3 April 2022 // 19:30 / Cinema

Tickets: Pay As You Can (£7/5/3/Free)


Joseph Sargent's cult crime thriller is a time-capsule of 1970s New York.

Somewhere underground, in New York's subway system, just outside the Pelham Station, a gang of armed men hijack a train,threatening to kill one hostage per minute unless they receive $1 Million within the hour. Their leader "Mr Blue" (Robert Shaw) is pitted against veteran transit policeman Zachary Garber (Walter Matthau), who has has to deal with City Hall bureaucracy and his fellow cops while also trying to deliver the ransom before the deadline expires.

This will be a socially-distanced screening with a reduced capacity audience. Face coverings are encouraged. The ventilation system in the cinema auditorium provides a regular supply of external air and we have a CO2 monitor in place.