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Part of ImAGE 2022 International Older People’s Day Celebrations in Newcastle

Gannin' Alang the Wall

35 minutes long.

Sun 23 October 2022 // 13:00 / Cinema

Tickets: £7/5 or Pay as You Feel

“Gannin’ Alang the Wall” was written and directed by St James’ Heritage & Environment Group.  This film follows the route of the Wall through Newcastle, starting at the fort of Segedunum just east of the city boundary and travelling west as far as Heddon. 

On the way, we meet a host of characters including a troop of Roman soldiers marching up Westgate Hill, several disaffected natives, and some present day residents from communities along the route of the Wall.

St James' Heritage and Environment Group | Promoting, celebrating & sharing heritage of Newcastle's West End (stjamesheritage.com)


The film is screened as part of ImAGE 2022.

The Elders Council of Newcastle is leading the Age Proud Network of organisations to run ImAGE 2022, city wide, month long celebration for International Older People’s Day  #AgeProudNewcastle  


They want to shine a light on the great opportunities around the city that will refresh how we work with older people into the future and are hoping the festival will lead to the creation of more diverse opportunities for older people. 


The aims of ImAGE -

  • We want to increase inclusion of older people in community activities, in the arts and in improving their health and wellbeing.
  • challenge stereotypes of older people and change perceptions about what older people can do.
  • raise the profile of the work of the Age Proud network and Older People’s day in the media and social media.