Picture for event

a day-long celebration of photographic talent

Hot House, Redeye, the Photography Network

quick-fire presentations from photographers about their recent work and projects


Sat 29 October 2022 // 10:00 / Cinema

Tickets: 0 pounds but please register in advance

Hothouse is a day-long celebration of photographic talent. Throughout the day there are quick-fire presentations from photographers about their recent work and projects.

Full Running Order of Speakers on this Link: https://www.redeye.org.uk/programme/events/hothouse-2022

There is ample opportunity for networking and to show portfolios and books if you are not actually presenting.

People are welcome to drop in for an hour or two, or stay for the whole event.

Previous Hothouse sessions have prompted people to say:

"I will feel the ripples of Hothouse for a while - inspiration, reflection, exploration."
"Stimulating, thought-provoking, challenging and inspiring. I really did enjoy it."
"Well organised, and a good mix of photographers at various stages of their careers. A good mix of approaches to work, short talks and presentations, so no time to get bored!"

Whether someone has a passion for new photography, wants to discover new or emerging photographers, or simply would like the opportunity to meet and network with other photographers, enthusiasts and industry professionals, this event has something for everyone.