Drawing the Cinema

Sat 15 October 2011 // 12:00 / Cinema

Before the event: cinema and storytelling and gig-goers are all encouraged to doodle and draw things at the venue's events in October leading up to the 15th. These are collected to add to the ultimate fanzine.

Cinema Room: using the projector to cast doodles and live drawing onto the screen.

3pm Drawing the Cinema game: clips from a well-known film are projected. The audience races to scratch out what they see. We then compare notes and the collective output is 'anthologised' into the fanzine.

Bar Room: if they are game, the Paper Jam Collective co-ordinate a drop-in comics workshop on the theme of cinema.

2pm Going to the Movies game: sitting in a big circle round the table, we all begin with a blank strip of paper. To a strict deadline, we draw a page. The bell goes and we pass our page to the left. The next person continues the story and we see what comic tales result.

Dark Room: If they are game, FilmBee (or maybe Blank Sam) run a drawing and developing activity where negatives are scratched or messed with or doodled on to create interestingly textual doodles.

Toilet Room: (prospectively) Toilet Graffiti Wall - a canvas is created inside one of the toilet cubicles, and those naughty permanent markers are brought into play to create filth, angst and mistaken beauty onto the wall. To be kept up for only a limited period.

Office Room: the selected results of all these activities are photocopied to create a collaborative fanzine. Due to the slow speed of our photocopier, this will not be ready during the 'public' part of the day, but participants can leave a stamped envelope to get their copy posted out to them.

1pm Screen-drawing with Blank Sam: have a go at drawing with the cinema's screenprinter: develop your results with the miracle of chemistry!
