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Losing the Plot Film Retreat

Fri 9 June 2023 // 20:00 / External

Tickets: Various

Losing The Plot, like the summer, is coming in! Friday 09-Sunday 11 June 2023, the Star and Shadow's film retreat beckons you to the North Pennines for communal film (watching, eating and camping together). Tickets are as cheap as they can be, and cover all accommodation, meals and a bunch of films over the weekend.

The programme is complete balancing recently released features, experimental documentaries and artist film from across the planet. The purpose of LTP is to create optimum viewing conditions for watching and engaging with contemporary film where plot is less clear-cut. The films are selected by the Ignorant Curator un-previewed, so everyone could be watching them for the first time, expanding the likelihood of a genuinely shared experience of cinema.

It is family friendly, and inclusive. If you have particular access requirements that you would like to discuss please email info@starandshadow.org.uk.


Friday 9th June 2023:

6.30pm: Evening meal
7.30pm: Pacifiction (Albert Serra, Spain, 162mins, 2022, feature)

Saturday 10th:

10.30am: Koban Louzoù (Brieuc Schieb, France, 59mins, 2022, feature) + short
1pm: Lunch
4pm: The Dam (Ali Cherri, Sudan, 84 mins, 2022, feature)
7pm: Evening meal
8pm: The Devil Queen (Antonio Carlos da Fontoura, Brazil, 100mins, 1974, feature)

Sunday 11th:

10.30am: Neptune Frost (Anisia Uzeyman/ Saul Williams, USA, 105mins, 2022, feature)

1.15pm: Lunch
2pm: Last Things (Deborah Stratman, USA, 50mins, 2023, essay film)