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Community Kitchen Presents: 'Background Radiation'

(not suitable for children)

Wed 13 March 2024 // 19:30 / Cinema

Tickets: Donations to Community Kitchen are welcome on the night

'Background Radiation' will be a night presenting two collaborative socially engaged research and art projects through two short research presentations (15 mins) and screenings of artists' moving image pieces.

Join us beforehand for a hot vegan meal & friendly atmosphere as part of our monthly Community Kitchen. 

The artist moving image pieces all contain dance and movement as a central theme in response to  frameworks around sexual ethics. Anyone is welcome, this is not an event just for academics, we would love to welcome anyone interested in the subject to come and join us!

Two researchers will talk a little bit about their research (15 mins each) and introduce the artistic responses to their research:

Dr Rosa Walling Wefelmeyer is a lecturer in Criminology at the University of Reading. She will be introducing us to her research into the 'Everyday Scaffolding of Rape Culture'

This will then be followed by a screening of artist films: ‘Making Shrine to the Uncaught’, ‘Shrine to the Uncaught’ by artist Lady Kitt and 'Raindrop' by artist Sarah Li made for 'Everyday Scaffolding', a socially engaged art project exploring Dr Walling-Wefelmeyer's research.

Dr Tina Sikka is a reader in Technoscience and Intersectional Justice at Newcastle University. She will be giving us an introduction to the research that led to her book 'Sex, Consent and Justice: A New Feminist Framework'. This will be followed by an artist film:

'2 Stories' by Sarah Li as part of ‘Justice Recitations’, an exhibition exploring this research. The exhibition was made by Tina Sikka, Lady Kitt, Sarah Li, Emma Atkinson and all of the participants from Newcastle University.

[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: digitally made poster with a pink background, it has two photos in the centre of the poster and text. The text is purple and reads: "Community Kitchen Presents: Background Radiation. Research and artist films about sexual ethics. Tina Sikka, Lady Kitt, Rosa Walling-Wefelmeyer, Sarah Li. Wednesday 13th March, The Star and Shadow Cinema, 7:30pm. Free event, come earlier for free food from Community Kitchen (6pm)" The first photo in the centre is a colour photo depicting a close up of the eyes of two people whose faces are very close to each other, their gazes are cast downwards. The second image is a colour photo, exterior. In the forefront, the right side is a small shrine-like structure built from balls of natural clay. The shrine is surrounded by earth and clay, and is embedded into the earth with a shelf carved out for it to sit on.]