The Star & Shadow presents...
Dir: Chris Peckover, 2017, USA/Australia, 89 mins, Cert: 15
Thu 12 December 2024 // 19:30
/ Cinema
Tickets: £7/£5/£3/£0
On a quiet suburban street at Christmas, a babysitter must defend a twelve-year-old boy from intruders, only to discover it's far from a normal home invasion.
A film it’s best going into without seeing the trailer and knowing as little as possible, BETTER WATCH OUT is a surprise-filled Christmas psychological horror film which plays like a dark and malicious version of Home Alone at times. Sit back, grab a mince pie and mulled wine and go in blind to a film that Variety magazine said is “destined to become one of those Yuletide perennials for people who like their holiday-themed entertainment as perversely un-wholesome as possible.