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For International Sex Worker Day, North East Spicy Coffee Collective Presents...

Prostitutes of Lyon Speak

with post screening discussion

Carole Roussopoulos, 1975, 48 mins & Groupe Vidéa, 1975, 20 mins.

Sun 2 June 2024 // 13:00 / Cinema

Tickets: £7/5/3/0

With the rise of OnlyFans, and online adult platforms more generally, sex work is talked about more and more in the mainstream discourse. But what does this mean for sex workers themselves? Despite this, many aspects of sex work are still criminalised within in the U.K., financial discrimination is rife and many sex workers are unable to be open about their work due to stigma. A recent YouGov survey revealed that 46% of Britons would not consider even being friends with someone who has previously sold sexualised images of themselves. This rises to 71% when it comes to dating.

June 2nd marks International Sex Workers Day. On this date in 1975, more than one hundred prostitutes occupied Saint-Nizier Church in France to demand better living and working conditions, an end of police harassment and an investigation into a number of sex worker murders.  Across the country, sex workers occupied churches in solidarity.

This June 2nd we will be screening a double bill of 'Prostitutes of Lyon Speak' and 'Kate Millet Speaks Prostitution with Some Feminists' followed by a discussion - what can we learn from past actions and where do we go from here?

This event has been organised by North East Spicy Coffee Collective - a collective of sex workers based in the North East who organise monthly meet ups to share resources, safety tips and a space for sex workers to build community together. French, English subtitles.