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In the Fire of Dancing Stillness: Reflections with Vimala Thakar

Dir (Renata Keller), 110 mins

Fri 8 March 2024 // 19:30 / Cinema

Tickets: Pay as you feel

This film is an ode to the power of silence, a song of devotion, a dance with dignity.

A fiery contemplation on our responsibilities.

It is a love poem inspired by a noble Indian woman and her rebellious spiritual life.

Is it possible to live a more peaceful and creative life on our planet? In a time when the state of the planet poses important questions: What is life worth to us? And what do we still consider sacred?

These questions inspired the Director  to meet the Indian mystic, philosopher and grassroots activist Vimala Thakar (1921 – 2009). It was an encounter that deeply inspired and changed her life. Almost twenty years later, she researches the profound work of this fascinating woman again in the context of our time, and translates her urgent call for holistic thinking and action into a cinematic work of art.