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Party for 151 Housing Co-op!

Fri 28 March // 18:00 / Venue Space

Tickets: PAYF on the door

The first new housing co-operative in Newcastle for 30 years?! No way! You don't want to miss this, it's pretty historic.

Come along for a wild variety of music, performance, art, fantastic scran, poetry maybe, punk and folk bands, and some excellent DJs to top off our crowdfunder launch party.

Sounds like a wild night, but so is the prospect of renting without landlords... Housing co-ops are so important in our fight for better housing in the city.
So let's donate generously (if you can) and celebrate the rebirth of 151!

Follow the 151 project, and learn about our story here: https://www.instagram.com/151housingcooperative/

Learn about housing co-ops here: https://toolkit.radicalroutes.org.uk/wiki/Housing_Co-ops_-_What_and_Why%3F

See you later skater!