Fri 9 May // 19:30
/ Venue Space
Tickets: Flying £15 Striving £10 Surviving £7.50
Inclusive beauties FIDGET AND THE TWITCHERS hit Newcastle, For a wild night of knees-up rhythms, cheeky lyrics and party vibes. Emerging from Bristols musical swamp The Twitchers, infectious horn lines and bubbling rhythm drive their punked-up ska sound.
Insta: @fidgetandthetwitchers
Bandcamp: https://fidgetandthetwitchers.bandcamp.com/music
Support comes from two awesome and silly local bands.
THE WHIPPET BEANS - mischief-making funky, festie tricksters with the best merch in the business. Branded ladder, anyone?
Insta: @whippetbeans
Bandcamp: https://thewhippetbeans.bandcamp.com/
AKKAT ATTAK - purveyors of derp-punk songs about taxidermy, collective nouns and tasty dust. Stoopid songs for stoopid times. Insta: @akkatattak
Bandcamp: https://akkatattak.bandcamp.com/