Picture for event

Shadowscpope 2.0

Wed 23 April // 19:00 / Cinema

Tickets: free!

Do you make short films? Do you want to show them to friends (or strangers!) in a real cinema?

Come along to the Second of our SHADOWSCOPE events for local filmmakers to share their work with one another!

When? Wednesday 23rd APRIL 7-9pm
(Doors 6.30 - the bar will be open for you to grab a drink ahead of the screening!)

How? You can submit your film in advance to mutualaidworks@gmail.com using the subject SHADOWSCOPE, OR you can just turn up on the night with your film! We will reserve the first hour for advance submissions, and the second hour will be first come first serve.

Please make sure your film meets the following criteria:

1. no longer than 20minutes

2. .mp4 or .mov format (on a hard drive or USB compatible with PC for those turning up on the night)

3. we have non-violent and anti discriminatory values, so wont show or endorse content that is racist, homophobic or classist. Any questions, please email mutualaidworks@gmail.com with the text SHADOWSCOPE in your subject.

Any questions, please email mutualaidworks@gmail.com with the text SHADOWSCOPE in your subject.